Friends! Look and see my video nominatied for an Emmy! See my new art and book signing at Barnes and Noble! I feel gleeful!
Hi Friends, New news! I did a book signing at Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Boardman, Ohio! My video was nominated for an Emmy! We will know next week if it won! I feel happy! Click on my video below! Your Friend, Seth
See my video that is nominated for the Natas Lower Great Lakes Chapter Emmy Award! Dawn Kendrick made my video. I feel proud and enthusiastic!
Debra, Jack and I are in front of the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Boardman, Ohio!
Debra and I are sitting at the table in Barnes and Noble for our book signing. I feel thrilled and happy!
We are in the church next to the Butler. The church has stained-glass windows that are blues, teals, turquoises and purples.
Debra and I are sitting on the stage. We are doing a talk for an hour. We met many new friends! I feel gleeful!
The Butler Institute of American Art has Seth Chwast Art exhibit in the Mesaros gallery.
I am standing on the Arboreality Nest at Playhouse Square in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Arboreality is made out of plastic bags. I feel proud!
Molly and I are standing on the Arboreality Nest at the donors party at Playhouse Square. We feel excited and enthusiastic!
Molly and I saw 3 Turtles on the log while we were walking around the Shaker Lake. The turtles feel calm and comfort!
I am standing next to the Albino Buffalo Painting. The buffalo White Cloud is in the daytime sky. We will go to Fargo, North Dakota and see White Cloud. I feel glad and peaceful!
I am drawing the Albino Buffalo with pen. I feel thrilled and peaceful!
I painted the Fantasy Salmon Abstract. It is the middle in a triptych.
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