
We had a benefit at my house for Portrait of the Young Man as an Artist. Photos by Herb Ascherman and my paintings.

Seth and Herb are standing next to photographs for my exhibition in my house.

Seth is standing next to the photograph with Herb. 

I am holding the Watercolor Abstract with Louise in the living room. My painting is going home with Louise.

I am at Playhouse Square in the auditorium. I saw One Night with Janis Joplin .

I am holding two abstract dots paintings. The left one is finished. The right one is not finished.

I am holding the mandala abstract painting. It is not finished.
I am holding the Rainbow Stripe Mandala painting. I feel gleeful!

Jeanette Palsa took these photos at my house:
I am standing with Debra and Herb in front of 6 Self-Studies.

Holden and Monica are in front of my guitar.

The prints are at the benefit in the sunroom.

Herb Ascherman took the photographs in the living room.

Lois is in my dining room in my house for the benefit. The food is on my table. Lois brought all the food.

Mom is sitting on my chair in my dining room in front of Red-Orange Fantasy Horse.

Debra and Doug are at the benefit in my house.

Debra and Herb are at the benefit in my house.

Debra and Seth are sitting on my couch in front of The Turquoise Pinto Fantasy Horse.

There are people at the benefit in my living room.

They are at the benefit in the front first floor hallway in my house. 

We are sitting on the couch with Herb Ascherman in front of The Turquoise Pinto Fantasy Horse for the benefit.

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